Ron C. Cherlet

Secretary of Nafasi Opportunity Society

Ron has been intimately involved with Nafasi Opportunity Society since inception of the organization in 2011. Currently retired, Ron enjoyed a 44 year career in human resources and labour relations management, primarily in the industrial construction industry in Alberta. During his career he provided leadership to complex human resource/labour relations issues at an industry level achieving objectives in a win-win fashion.

Ron held a position on the Athabasca University Board Of Governors for 6 years chairing their Human Resources Committee. Ron holds a Bachelor of Science degree as well as Masters Degree in Business Administration and is a Certified Human Resource Professional (Retired) with the Human Resources Institute of Alberta.

Volunteer work and human development has always been a big part of Ron’s life for many years. He loves to see people seize opportunity to learn and grow in order to improve the quality of their lives.